Hi. We're friendly Michiganders who hand-craft crisp, refreshing happy potions for happy people - from luscious, locally-sourced Michigan apples. it all began when college friends were on a trip up north, which led to some cider making fun right here in pinckney at one of the founder’s basement, using generations-old family recipes. And pretty soon, those ciders started making their way to family events and camping trips. After turning many beer lovers into cider believers, we decided to enter a few ciders into cider competitions. Then the awards started coming. So, we decided to buy the old hardware store on McGregor Road to become home base. We're proud to be an official part of the community and are looking forward to making new friends and cherishing the friends we’ve made over the years, with every new happy potion we create.
The Story of Ore Creek Craft Cider: Part 1
The Story of Ore Creek Craft Cider: Part 2
The Story of Ore Creek Craft Cider: Part 3.
The Story of Ore Creek Craft Cider: Part 4.
The Story of Ore Creek Craft Cider: Part 5